Joshua Otterman's Portfolio

There is something which unites magic and applied science (technology) while separating them
from the "wisdom" of earlier ages. For the wise men of old, the cardinal problem of human life
was how to conform the soul to objective reality, and the solution was wisdom,
self-discipline, and virtue. For the modern, the cardinal problem is how to conform reality
to the wishes of man, and the solution is a technique.

-C.S. Lewis

My name is Joshua Otterman.
Welcome to my portfolio website. Take a look around to learn about my background and experience
as a software and video game developer.

Thank you for stopping by!

Picture of myself
I'm excited to assist you on your project!
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
I'm a full-stack game developer,
trained in:
Unity and Unreal Engine 4,
C# logo
the popular programming language C#,
C++ logo
the popular programming language C++,
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
SQL logo
back end development, databases and SQL.



I am a software developer with a background in theology. I see technology as a resource that can do an immense amount of
good if used with wisdom for our own self-discipline in virtues that guide our lives both offline and online.

I trained as a game developer in The Tech Academy's Game Developer Boot Camp, where I learned the following technologies: C# and Unity, C++ and Unreal Engine 4, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.

I received my Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary where I also started my PhD in Theology and Culture with an emphasis on the effects of technology on community.

I am a full-stack developer and would love to work with you on your project. Contact me below!
